關於International Battery Seminar & Exhibit
International Battery Seminar(國際電池研討會暨展覽會)由 Shep Wolsky 博士於 1983 年創辦,現已成為展示消費、汽車、軍事、電網和工業應用領域全球儲能技術最新趨勢的頂級活動。全球關鍵思想領袖將齊聚一堂,提供廣泛的觀點,以及對所有電池系統的材料、產品開發、製造和應用的關鍵進展以及使能技術的見解。作為全球歷史最悠久的年度電池產業盛會,本次會議一直是宣布重大進展、新產品和展示最先進電池技術的首選地點。例如,索尼於 1991 年選擇國際電池研討會作為平台首次宣布其鋰離子技術,這項成就後來改變了世界。自 2015 年加入 Cambridge EnerTech 以來,出席人數更增加了四倍。
About Our Founder
Shep was a veteran of WWII, and served in the Navy as an electronic technician. He earned his PhD in Chemistry from Boston University in 1952 and spent 10 years working on the development of the transistor and its first commercial application, a transistor-powered hearing aid. He was Vice President of R&D at Duracell for 15 years and helped introduce Li-metal, Li-sulfur dioxide and Li-thionyl chloride batteries. He aided Sony on the introduction of the Li-ion battery and obtained the first U.S. government approval for the transportation of Li-ion batteries. Having authored over 100 technical papers, Shep also consulted on the development of batteries with many clients around the world. In addition to his scientific and technical involvement with lithium ion batteries, Shep was an accomplished writer, with several of his plays having been published and produced. He founded the widely respected International Battery Seminar series in 1983.