2025年 培訓研討會(僅限面對面實體會議)
Cambridge Healthtech Institute的培訓研討會提供涵蓋了廣泛的學術理論及其背景,以及現實生活中的案例研究和所面臨的挑戰及適用的解決方案資訊。每個培訓研討會都結合了正式講座與互動討論和活動,以讓學習成果最大化。以熟練的講師來主持培訓研討會,以適用於當前研究的內容,併為該領域的初學者提供重要指導。以目前研究的內容為焦點,提供針對在該領域的初學者重要的指南。
Drug Discovery Chemistry的培訓研討會僅限面對面實體會議。
2025年4月15日(星期二)上午 8:00 - 下午 3:35 | 2025年4月16日(星期三)上午 8:00 - 下午 12:00
TS6A: The Medicinal Chemistry-Pharmacology Interface: The 3 Independent SARs for New Drug Candidates
Seminar Outline:
Day 1 (AM): SAR 1: Primary Target Activity
- Affinity: What concentrations are needed in the receptor compartment for target binding?
- Efficacy: How do drugs produce cellular response (drugs have many efficacies)? How the combination of signaling effects yields a ‘quality’ of efficacy to cells.
Day 1 (PM): SAR 1: Primary Target Activity (cont.)
- Efficacy/how biased-signaling causes complex patterns of efficacy (and how can this be manipulated?).
- Allosteric vs. orthosteric interaction of molecules: how allosteric interaction fundamentally differs from orthosteric (same site) interaction.
- Kinetics of ligand interaction for in vivo target coverage: the importance of in vivo–restricted diffusion/importance of receptor offset rates for target coverage (PK-PD dissociation)/methods to measure kinetics.
Day 2 (AM): SAR 2—Pharmacokinetic Profile and SAR 3—Safety
- SAR 2 (ADME): Methods for modification of candidate ADME properties (modification of ‘druglike’ activity/specific modification of interactions with recognition processes (i.e., hepatic enzymes, transporters).
- SAR 3: Safety: Basic safety issues faced early on (cytotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, hERG, Ames test)/translation of in vitro to in vivo activity.
Terrence P. Kenakin, PhD, Professor, Pharmacology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2025年4月16日(星期三)下午 1:30 - 5:45 | 2025年4月17日(星期四)上午 10:15 - 下午 5:40
TS6B: Drug Exposure at the Target: The Role of ADME and Pharmacokinetics
Session 1
- Drug discovery: typical order of operations
- ADME and key pharmacokinetic parameters
- Modeling Cp-time curves from an IV dose
- Modeling Cp-time curves from an oral dose
Session 2
- Oral drug space and membrane permeability
- Metabolic stability and intrinsic clearance
- Plasma, PPB, and the free drug hypothesis
- Compartment models
Session 3
- Preformulation and formulation
- Preclinical species and PBPK
- Non-small molecule drug modalities PK/PD modeling
Erland Stevens, PhD, James G. Martin Professor, Department of Chemistry, Davidson College
* 活動內容有可能不事先告知作更動及調整。
2025年 4月 14日
生成式 AI 和預測建模
2025年 4月 15 - 16日
降解劑和分子膠 - PART1
用於早期藥物發現的AI/ML - PART1
2025年 4月 16 - 17日
降解劑和分子膠 - PART2
用於早期藥物發現的AI/ML - PART2
DEL(DNA-Encoded Library)