“I really enjoyed it and am already looking forward to next year's!”

-Managing Partner, AlleyCorp Healthcare

“Always a highlight of my summer now is coming in for DHIS. I liked the sessions a lot and thought they were informative. I think you are hitting all the right topics, and I like that it is the right size crowd and venue. Nothing to change from my end.”

-SVP Retail Health, CVS Health

“Really enjoyed speaking today at DHIS-East alongside such an accomplished set of co-panelists. Huge thanks to Cambridge Innovation Institute for putting on such a great conference.”

- Co-Founder & CEO, Elion

“I thought it was an awesome event.”

-Partner, 7wire Ventures

“I thought it was a nice conference, well organized. The attendee list was small, but seemed high quality, including both companies and investors."

-Managing Director, Cigna Ventures

“Small conferences like DHIS 2023 are refreshing and important. Great real-insights panels and great networking (reverse logic, small conferences, offer better networking).”

-CEO, Twig Health

“Thanks for pulling together another great event!”

-Managing Partner, LRV Health

“Great catching up with all the healthcare leaders at the conference.”

- Vice President, Healthcare Strategy, M&A and Partnerships, Microsoft (Nuance)

“Incredibly informative presentations on responsible use of generative AI, women and families’ health and CVS’ healthcare ecosystem.

- Global Medical Affairs, Oncology Innovation in Care Lead, AstraZeneca