
Safeguarding Networks in a Post-Quantum World
Traditional encryption methods, once considered impregnable, may soon be vulnerable to quantum threats, posing significant risks to our digital security. Delving into the realm of quantum-resistant encryption and why quantum computing poses a threat to current security systems. Discussing the details of solutions available today and the long-term approach.
  • Impact of quantum computing to cryptography and how it impacts network security
  • The need to act now to make your networks future-proof from quantum computers
  • Current solutions to safeguard the networks from quantum threats
  • Infrastructure needed to build QKD-based solutions

Rakesh Kandula,
Technical Marketing Engineer, Cisco

Rakesh Kandula is a Technical Marketing Engineer in Cisco’s Mass Scale Infrastructure Group (MIG), where he handles security for products primarily deployed in service provider networks.   Rakesh received his Master’s Degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IIT Delhi). He has been with Cisco for 15+ years in various roles. His current focus areas are Trustworthy Systems, Platform Security Chips, Secure Boot, DDoS Solutions and other security features relevant to routing platforms.   Outside his work, Rakesh is an avid runner who loves running marathons and trail ultras.

Stephen DiAdamo,
Research Scientist, Cisco

Dr. Stephen DiAdamo has been a research scientist at Cisco in Germany since 2021 with a focus on quantum network design and simulation. He has degrees in computer science from the University of Toronto and mathematics from the Technical University of Munich.  He completed his PhD from the Technical University of Munich in electrical engineering with a focus on entanglement assisted quantum network and distributed quantum computing.  He maintains various open-source quantum network simulation frameworks and is currently building a quantum network development kit to simplify simulating quantum networks.

Coffee/Exhibition/Networking Break
Presenting ETSI ISG QKD Standardization Works
QKD standardization is likely to have relevance to future standards for quantum networks. Describing the ISG QKD activities:
  • Security standards toward certification of QKD modules
  • Specifications of characterization methods
  • SDN control

Martin Ward,

Martin Ward is a Senior Research Scientist for Toshiba Europe working in their Cambridge Research Laboratory in the UK. He received a DPhil in Physics from the University of Oxford and has over 15 years of research experience on quantum photonic sources, quantum optics and quantum key distribution, including electrically driven quantum dot single photon emission and entangled photon pair sources at telecom wavelengths.  He is currently Chair of ETSI ISG QKD and is also involved in QKD standards within ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 3, and ITU-T.

Quantum-Safe Networks: Securing the Quantum Future

Martin Charbonneau,
Head Quantum Enablement Network Infrastructure BG, Nokia

Reviewing Continuous Variable QKD (CV-QKD)
Over the last two decades, remarkable progress has occurred in both the theoretical and experimental aspects of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) systems. Discussing one of the most recent innovations in these systems, Continuous Variable QKD (CV-QKD), which, unlike traditional QKD solutions, can be easily implemented in existing optical networks.

Vanesa Diaz, CEO, LuxQuanta
On the Scalability of QKD Networks for Telecommunications
The scalability of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) networks is a pressing concern as we navigate the quantum landscape. Delving into the global progress of QKD networks, highlighting challenges that demand resolution for scalability and current efforts to overcome them.

Thorsten Groetker, Business and Technology Consultant, EvolutionQ

Thorsten Groetker is a founding member of evolutionQ’s German R&D team. He holds a PhD in EE from Aachen University of Technology and has subsequently served in various engineering and management roles including Principal Engineer at Synopsys and CTO at Utimaco.   Dr. Groetker is a co-author of “System Design with SystemC”, “The Developer’s Guide to Debugging” and “Post-Quantum Crypto for Dummies”. He also works as independent business and technology consultant in the areas of semiconductors and cybersecurity.

Coffee/Exhibition/Networking Break
QKD Migration Strategies Implemented by Telco Operators
Telecom operators are uniquely positioned to support a seamless and early migration by developing Quantum-Safe Network (bandwidth) as a Service where possible. Presenting the current state-of-the-art QKD networks and implementations.

Sinisha Simon Patkovic, VP Quantum-Safe, ID Quantique

An established cybersecurity veteran, Simon Patkovic is dedicated to the ever-evolving, complex dynamics of cyber innovation and governance, and how they impact Government, Telecom, and Fortune 500 organization Leaders, Boards, and IT Executives.  Simon is an active participant in private-public consultations with national security and intelligence agencies throughout the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, with a focus on data surveillance and lawful intercept, security regulations, and privacy issues.  His post-graduate education includes Master degree in Technology Governance at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and EMBA at Harvard Business School.

Building Quantum-safe Networks with Symmetric Key Distribution
Introducing an approach to symmetric key distribution that enables robust, scalable, and future-proofed security without reliance on asymmetric encryption and without the need for QKD.

Melchior Aelmans, Chief Architect Global Service Providers, Juniper Networks
Quantum Safe Transport Security for Network Operators
Explaining why quantum computing poses a threat to transport security solutions like MACsec & IPsec. Presenting the basic principles behind QKD solutions and how we can help customers to deploy these solutions now.

Rakesh Kandula,
Technical Marketing Engineer, Cisco

Rakesh Kandula is a Technical Marketing Engineer in Cisco’s Mass Scale Infrastructure Group (MIG), where he handles security for products primarily deployed in service provider networks.   Rakesh received his Master’s Degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IIT Delhi). He has been with Cisco for 15+ years in various roles. His current focus areas are Trustworthy Systems, Platform Security Chips, Secure Boot, DDoS Solutions and other security features relevant to routing platforms.   Outside his work, Rakesh is an avid runner who loves running marathons and trail ultras.

Dynamic Duo between the NOC and the SOC: Connectivity & Cryptography Automation
Focusing into the pivotal role of Operational Enablement in Quantum-Safe Networks (QSN), exploring the synergies between the Telecommunication Network Operating Center (NOC) and the Security Operation Center (SOC). As we navigate the landscape of quantum threats, it is imperative to understand the dynamic interplay between connectivity and cryptography.

Hooman Bidgoli, Senior Product Line Manager, Nokia

Peter Landon, Product Line Manager, Nokia

AT&T Qujata Open-Source Post Quantum Cryptography Simulation Tool
Describing how Qujata aims to provide a viable solution for full stack PQC protocol testing, enabling AT&T (and other organizations) to be Quantum Safe by providing insights for building impact analysis, planning, and crypto agility environment.

David Bachar, Senior Cyber Security Product And Tech Lead Software Delivery Services, AT&T

David Bachar, an experienced cybersecurity product and tech lead at AT&T SDS Israel, has dedicated over two decades to influencing the evolution of cloud, carrier, and enterprise markets.   His major contribution lies in leading Post-Quantum Security monetization efforts alongside the development of cutting-edge initiatives aimed at securing AT&T's cyber infrastructure against post-quantum computing threats.   His professional journey through roles at leading security and networking vendors in business development and strategy has resulted in substantial revenue growth and pioneering innovative solutions in the cybersecurity and networking fields.”

Quantum Technologies for Safer and Smarter Cities
Diving into the use of quantum encryption and quantum sensors to secure critical infrastructure, enable precise traffic management, and enhance environmental monitoring. Through engaging use cases and interactive demonstrations, painting a vision of cities where quantum technology plays a pivotal role in ensuring both security and sustainability.

Dr. Raul V. Rodriguez, Vice President, Woxsen University
Highlighting Works by Telefonica Research Groups
  • Quantum infrastructures (the EuroQCI project or our Quantum ring in Madrid, the MadQCI)
  • Quantum network architecture, and our proposal for applying the experience of QKD deployments to a general Quantum Internet approach
  • Quantum Network Digital Twins, and how we are using them to experiment with Quantum technologies in network evolution.

Dr Diego R. Lopez, Telefonica I+D

Dr Diego R. Lopez joined Telefonica I+D in 2011 as a Senior Technology Expert, and is currently in charge of the Technology Exploration activities within the GCTIO Unit. Before joining Telefónica he spent some years in the academic sector, dedicated to research on network services, and was appointed member of the High-Level Expert Group on Scientific Data Infrastructures by the European Commission.   Diego is currently focused on applied research in network infrastructures, with a special emphasis on virtualization, data-driven management, new architectures, security, and quantum communications. Diego is an ETSI Fellow and chairs the ETSI ISGs ZSM (on network automation) and the NOC of ETSI ISG NFV.   Apart from this, Diego is a more than acceptable Iberian ham carver, and extremely fond of seeking and enjoying comics, and good discussions on any (in)appropriate matter.

Coffee/Exhibition/Networking Break

Field Learnings of Interoperating Quantum and Classical Networks
Sharing key findings obtained from ongoing lab and field engagements, as well as discussing alternatives for the design of interoperable networks.

Patrick Scully, Director, Product Line Management, Ciena
The Business Case for Quantum-safe Network
Looking at the business impact and economics of quantum-safe networks, when or why would anyone need to worry about quantum-safe networks today as a working quantum computer that is able to successfully attack current security mechanisms won’t be available soon.

Melchior Aelmans, Chief Architect Global Service Providers, Juniper Networks
A Space Enabled Quantum Internet
Proposing an analysis of a network based on a best-path approach, where either fiber- or satellite-based elementary links can be concatenated to form a repeater chain. Demonstrating how satellite links will play a significant role on the future large-scale quantum internet.

Teun van der Veen, Senior Consultant, TNO

The Unbreakable Light: The Rise of Recording-Proof Photonic Encryption
Describing the Photonic Encryption, a groundbreaking advancement in encryption technology. Unveiled here for the first time, this cutting-edge technology capitalizes on photoelectric physics to offer robust protection against current and future cryptographic analysis technology and advanced computational capabilities.

Dr. Eyal Felstaine, Chief Business Officer, Cyber Ridge

Prior to CyberRidge, Eyal was CTO of Amdocs technology - [NASDAQ: DOX] andestablished Amdocs’ NFV group, which turned into the multi-million “Open Networks” business group.   An innovator and entrepreneur by nature, Eyal co-founded and held CXO positions in several successful startups in the communications and evolved-packet core space. These include Traffix Systems, acquired by F5 Networks, Allot Communications [NASDAQ: ALLT], and SANRAD, acquired by Toshiba Japan. Eyal also served as VP of Radware and head of its Cyber Security division [NASDAQ: RDWR].   Eyal holds over 50 patents to his name, has authored numerous refereed papers, and has won several prestigious awards for research excellence in network security. Eyal holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science, a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology and an MBA from Columbia University, NY.

Adaptation of Quantum-Secured Optical Channels to Future Quantum Networks
Discussing the adaptation of quantum-secured optical channels from today’s point-to-point short distance applications to future quantum-secured networks, along different approaches that include Quantum Teleportation and One-Way Quantum Repeaters.

Farzam Toudeh-Fallah, Director Quantum Communications R&D, Ciena
Optical Transport Layer 1 Connectivity, Ready for the Quantum-era
Outlining methods and value proposition current generation of Quantum Safe Optical Transport provides, as well as key design considerations that assure Quantum Safe Optical Transport solution evolution deep into Quantum era.

Pedja Dragovic, Senior Product Line Manager, Nokia

Sylvain Chenard, Product Line Manager, Nokia

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