
Food as Medicine

Growing and Unifying the Movement

June 4 - 5, 2025

今年將迎向第五年的Food as Medicine Summit 仍然堅守其使命——確保營養豐富的食品能夠送達有需要的人手中,以改善健康並幫助管理疾病。基於過去五年的影響力,本屆峰會將再次匯聚醫療提供者、社區組織、保險機構、食品企業、政府機構及相關協會,共同將「Food as Medicine」從承諾轉變為長期且可持續的現實。高品質的交流互動始終是 Food as Medicine Summit 的核心。本次峰會將提供創新的會議形式與更多合作機會,讓與會者有機會與各方代表深入交流。Food as Medicine Summit 是定義這一領域發展的重要場域,而你,將有機會成為這場對話的一部分。今年的討論將涵蓋「Food as Medicine」的擴大、新型合作模式、政治影響與最新研究成果等核心議題。本屆峰會將持續進化並突破界限,為了提供與會者最多實用的重要資訊,我們也在議程中安排了新的體驗。今年的Food as Medicine Summit將為所有與會者提供無與倫比的學習、交流機會和體驗。我們堅信,透過攜手合作,共同邁向共同目標,將能夠真正推動「Food as Medicine」運動的發展,為更多人帶來福祉。

Wednesday, June 4

7:00 am

Registration Open

7:30 am

Networking Breakfast

8:30 am

Organizer's Welcome Remarks

8:35 am

Chairperson’s Remarks

8:40 am

Food as Medicine in Michigan: A Holistic Approach to Improving Health Outcomes and Food Security

Elizabeth Hertel, Director, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services

This presentation will highlight Michigan's innovative approach to integrating a Food as Medicine approach into health and human service-related systems, including:

  • How the use of Medicaid policy levers, such as In Lieu of Services and community reinvestment requirements, can provide food and nutrition-focused interventions
  • How collaborating with community-based organizations can build capacity within existing food and nutrition systems and maximize impacts
  • How aligning with broader social determinants of health strategy and initiatives can improve access and health outcomes.
9:00 am

The Current and Future Landscape of Food as Medicine


Maycie Elchoufi, Physician Executive, Office of the CMO, Humana

The food as medicine landscape is constantly shifting. In this ever-changing field, it is essential that we remain true to the promises of Food as Medicine and continue working to make the impact of our work even more of a reality. Hear from leaders from across the field as we kick-off the Food as Medicine Summit 2025 by unpacking:​

  • How has our work on Food as Medicine changed over the past six months since the new administration began?
  • Do we need to change how we frame the demonstration of the value of Food as Medicine?
  • How do we ensure that Food as Medicine approaches have the best chances of success?
  • How do we need to work together as a field to further implement Food as Medicine?
  • How do we see the next four years of this administration playing out as it relates to health, food, and nutrition?
  • What are the take-home learnings for the audience?

Holly Freishtat, Senior Director, Feeding Change, Feeding Change, Milken Institute

Marianne O'Shea, Vice President, Global Nutrition Science, PepsiCo

9:45 am

Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)

10:10 am

Coffee Break with Exhibit Viewing


10:55 am

Food as Medicine in Action in Indiana

Naima Gardner, Director, Division of Nutrition & Physical Activity, Indiana Department of Health

Michelle Shippy, MS, RDN, Food is Medicine Director, Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity (DNPA), Indiana Department of Health (IDOH)

  • How is Food as Medicine being viewed in Indiana?
  • How has Food as Medicine been integrated as a core strategy within the department of Nutrition and Physical Activity?
  • Which lessons have been learned working with clinical partners on this work?
  • A look at results from recently finished case studies
  • How do we bring together different funding streams to execute this work?​
11:20 am

Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)

11:45 am

States in Focus—How and Where is Progress Being Made across The U.S.?


Katie Garfield, Director, Whole Person Care, Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation, Harvard Law School

Different states are at different points in their journey with Food as Medicine. While no two states are the same, lessons are being learned and insights are being shared between states to help advance Food as Medicine programs. This panel will showcase individual states while diving into the following:

  • How is Food as Medicine currently being viewed in your state?
  • What impact has the new administration already had and set to have moving forward?
  • What lessons have we learned from working with local partners?
  • What have been the major roadblocks to progress so far and how are we overcoming them?
  • How can we share ideas and communicate better between states?
  • What are the take-home learnings for the audience?​​

Stephanie Buckler, Deputy Director of Social Services Integration, Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services

Rebecca Gillmore, Manager, Managed Care Logistical Support, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

Thea Kachoris-Flores, Special Assistant for Health Related Social Needs, Illinois Healthcare and Family Services

Dana Thomas, Managing Director, Food is Medicine, Rockefeller Foundation


10:55 am
Introduction & Discussion Kickstarter

Expert moderators will introduce the session and set the scene to ensure you get the most out of your group discussions.

11:10 am

Collaborating across Food as Medicine

Panagis Galiatsatos, Associate Professor, Medicine & Oncology, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Julia Koprak, Director, Incentives, Healthcare & Policy, The Food Trust

Dan Ripma, Vice President, Food & Agriculture, S2G Investments

Ipyana Spencer, Chief Health Officer, Meals on Wheels America

  • What are the most promising collaboration opportunities that we are currently thinking about?
  • How will these opportunities help us get Food as Medicine into the hands of more people?
  • What lessons have we learned from the partnerships we currently have in place?
  • Generally speaking, how can the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors work better together?
  • Additional considerations on collaboration?​
12:00 pm
Group Feedback & Takeaways

A representative from each group will give feedback to the wider audience on their table’s discussion points. Moderators and onsite team members will help link the conversations together into more tangible takeaways for everyone.

12:30 pm

Networking Luncheon

Community-Based Organization Showcase
Leading CBOs are being showcased at this year’s Food as Medicine Summit. Throughout the exhibit hall, you will be able to find out more about their crucial work.

“Food as Medicine Passport” Challenge 

This extended networking time will give you the opportunity to further complete your “Food as Medicine Stamps” by visiting all the booths in the exhibit hall. One lucky winner will be selected at random at the Networking Reception at the end of the day!


2:00 pm

Building a Thriving Food as Medicine Partnership Network

Sarah E. Morrow, Program Director, Clinical Community Programs, UPMC Health Plan

  • Discuss a variety of practical approaches to food as medicine, including MTM, groceries, produce vouchers, food reclamation, care coordination, and more, while overviewing the effectiveness of these programs through the lens of partnerships
  • How to diversify your food as medicine programming to increase the available supports to your patients/members; practical examples of how funding models work within systems; where to look for potential community and systems contacts; building a collaborative network for learning and evaluation support​
2:25 pm

Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)

2:50 pm

Physician Deep Dive—Food as Medicine from First Consultation to Long-Term Results


Sunny Sharma, MD, FACP, DipACLM, CMD, RMO, Internal Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine Physician, MDVIP Physician, Regional Medical Officer for Ascension Medical Group of Illinois

Traditional healthcare systems remain the norm for the majority of the population. Physicians have a crucial role in the initial adoption and long-term results for Food as Medicine programs. Take this unique opportunity to hear the thoughts of leading physicians on:

  • What’s working and not working when we engage with patients on Food as Medicine?
  • What do we need to do as a field to ensure long-term adherence with Food as Medicine programs?
  • What’s needed for Food as Medicine programs to become a core pillar of healthcare?
  • How are we scaling our Food as Medicine programs?
  • Advice for the field on how best to engage and work with physicians in Food as Medicine?
  • What are the take-home learnings for the audience?​

David Dungan, MD, FACP, FAAP, CCMS, Director / Champion, Duly Culinary Medicine / Duly Wellness

Panagis Galiatsatos, Associate Professor, Medicine & Oncology, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Eugenia McPeek Hinz, Associate Chief Medical Information Officer, Health Informatics, Duke University Medical Center


2:00 pm
Introduction & Discussion Kickstarters

Expert moderators will introduce the session and set the scene to ensure you get the most out of your group discussions.

2:15 pm

Demonstrating Value & Return on Investment of Food as Medicine

Matthew Gulbransen, Founding Partner & General Partner, Three Bridges Private Capital

Michelle Jester, Director, Social Determinants of Health Strategy & Program Development, Highmark Health

Martin Tull, Chief Impact Officer, American College of Lifestyle Medicine

  • What are the core principles of Food as Medicine that new entrants need to be aware of?
  • How do we need to evolve our conversations when demonstrating value and ROI?
  • How do we demonstrate these core values in the healthcare ecosystem?
  • Value-based care – How do we demonstrate ROI with Food as Medicine?
  • Additional considerations on demonstrating value and ROI?​
3:05 pm
Group Feedback & Takeaways

A representative from each group will give feedback to the wider audience on their table’s discussion points. Moderators and onsite team members will help link the conversations together into more tangible takeaways for everyone.

3:35 pm

Refreshment Break with Exhibit Viewing


4:15 pm

Presentation to be Announced

4:45 pm

Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)


5:10 pm

How Do We Overcome the Barriers to Implementation?


Margaret Apura, Director, Nutrition, Amwell

While not a new concept, Food as Medicine has experienced a significant increase in interest and output over the past five-plus years. The promise of Food as Medicine continues to grow but it is essential that implementation catches up for our work to deliver on its potential. Tap into the minds of leading stakeholders as we dive into:

  • What lessons have been learned from the approaches we have implemented so far?
  • How is the new administration set to impact our work with Food as Medicine?
  • How can technology help us better implement Food as Medicine?
  • How do we better demonstrate value and return on investment?
  • What collaboration opportunities are the most essential to implement Food as Medicine?
  • What other challenges are set to define Food as Medicine moving forward?
  • What are the take-home learnings for the audience?​

Stephanie Kubow, Assistant Vice President, Community & Population Health, Northwell Health

Suzanne Shea, Vice President, System Pharmacy & Clinical Nutrition, Sharp Healthcare

Sarah Stern, Director Community Involvement, Maple Leaf Foods & Executive Director, Maple Leaf Centre for Food Security

Jon Van Der Veer, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Hy-Vee Health Exemplar Care

5:55 pm

Networking Reception (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)

6:55 pm

Close of Day

Thursday, June 5

7:30 am

Registration Open

8:00 am

Networking Breakfast


9:00 am

Chairperson’s Remarks

9:10 am

The Voice of the Patient in Food as Medicine


Naomi Parrella, Chief, Lifestyle Medicine, Rush University System for Health

  • How is Food as Medicine impacting the lives of patients?
  • What lessons have been learned so far working directly with patients?
  • How do we better incorporate the voice of patients into our work?​
9:40 am

Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)

10:05 am

Overcoming Access Hurdles to Food as Medicine


Emily Hoffman, Registered Dietitian, Intermountain Health

Access to Food as Medicine remains a crucial challenge that needs to be continuously at the front of our minds. Progress is being made across the board but unless we fix the access issues that we are currently facing, the impact of our work will be significantly limited. Hear from experts as they share their thoughts on: 

  • What is working and what isn’t working for increasing access to Food as Medicine and why?
  • How can Community-based Organizations and industry partners work more closely together to improve access?
  • How is the new administration set to affect people’s access to Food as Medicine?
  • What policy opportunities are there for us to explore here?
  • How can technology help us increase access to Food as Medicine?
  • What are the take-home learnings for the audience?​​​

Julie Abedian, Executive Vice President & Chief Community Impact Officer, Columbus Regional Health

Melanie Hall, Chief Research & Innovation Officer, Feeding America

Nicole Harris-Hollingsworth, Vice President, Social Determinants of Health, Hackensack Meridian Health

Daniel Riff, Head of Government & Nonprofit Operations, DoorDash

10:50 am

Coffee Break with Exhibit Viewing


11:35 am

Food as Medicine and The Indian Health Service

Stacy Hammer, MPH, RDN, LD, National Nutrition Consultant, Indian Health Service

  • Produce prescription programs in The Indian Health Service
  • How are we working with remote tribes to deliver Food as Medicine?
  • Integrating Food as Medicine into more grants​
11:55 am

Food as Medicine and Youth Health

Jillian Griffith, Senior Health Partnerships Manager, Amazon Access, Amazon

Ann Marie Krautheim, MA, RD, LD, Chief Executive Officer, GENYOUth

Food insecurity and unhealthy diets among youth are linked to chronic diseases, yet this connection is often overlooked. School meals, serving 30 million children nationwide, exemplify one of the most effective Food as Medicine interventions. Recent GENYOUth research among youth reveals the challenges they face in accessing nutritious food and opportunities to improve the school meal experience. This research amplifies youth voices, emphasizing their role in shaping innovative solutions. This session underscores school meals as a cornerstone of Food as Medicine interventions and calls for collective action to ensure equitable access to prevent disease and sustain health.

12:15 pm

The Future of Food as Medicine in The U.S.


Angela Green, Regional Administrator, Region 5, HHS/Administration for Children and Families

  • How to best engage with federal and state partners moving forward
  • How do we need to demonstration of the value of Food as Medicine?
  • How can the field best work together to give Food as Medicine approaches the maximum chance of success?
  • How do we ensure that Food as Medicine approaches have the best chances of success?
  • What are the take-home learnings for the audience?​

Brad Barron, Director, Managed Care Plan Division, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

John Fallon, Program Specialist, HHS/Administration for Children and Families

Cate Hensley, Manager, Policy & Projects, Food is Medicine Coalition

Alan Shannon, Public Affairs Director, USDA, Food & Nutrition Service, Midwest Region

1:00 pm

Close of Conference

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